Have you lost a child or infant?
Loosing a child can cause immense grief. Grief is a natural reaction to loosing someone close to you, but though it is natural, it is very heavy to carry. It often feels very lonely to loose a child. For many it can feel like a great help to talk to others, who have been in a similar situation.

Grief is easier to bear together
At Berin you can talk to others, who are in a similar situation. Berin organises groups for parents, who have lost children/babies. The groups are both for parents, who have lost recently and for parents who lost longer ago. Parents’ groups are divided by the child’s age: babies from the womb up to 1 year and children from the age of 1 to 29. In addition to groups, Berin offers individual counselling with psychologists, family counselling, advice etc.
Podcast about being a parent and loosing an infant
Eg sakni teg (I miss you) is Berin’s podcast series in which we examine the subject of grief. We meet some of the people who come to Berin and hear their story. Lív Højsted Horsdal, who is a psychologist working with Berin, hosts the series and leads us through the episodes about grief, longing and hope. The purpose of the podcasts is to talk openly about how tough and senseless things can feel in the hope that you, who also miss someone, feel a little less lonely and different in your grief.